Don't judge me by what I wear, I am awesome even in my underwear.

In olden days India was prosperous, people where happy to get one langot (a horrible undergarment) and a dhoti (a even horrible over garment) but then the British could not see it through and with that they brought ships and ships full of zippers, pant buttons and clothes. When the freedom struggle ended, the Brits left shamed and angry and to take revenge left the final nail in the coffin, the fashionable clothes. It was a fitting revenge, the untamed world now knew shame and pants. It was a slow poison for the destruction of the greatest Indus valley civilisation. A slow depression that would bring with it, new clothes, trends and horrible accessories. The new trends bring with it scary moments, how many times have you been asked by the barber carrying the sharp razor, "Would you like to try strawberry face cream?" he politely asked. I stared at him, eye the razor. Every female you meet in your life, your mother, your sister and your girlfriend or your wife wil...