If you know me in my other life, I proudly boast of myself as the Monk Who Sold His Computer for the Cloud. I do not own a computer, apart from video editing, and invest a lot of time trying to replace my computer with cloud services . One of the most important problem faced by me in this period was how do I move novel writing services to the cloud? Can an internet based service be used for Novel writing? The service should be such that it can be used to sync on the phone, iPad as well as Web. With NaNoWriMo around, I decided to put on the thinking cap and setup my workspace in Evernote. If you are new to this world, Evernote is a note-taking tool that helps capture text-based-notes, picture based notes, Web-Links (Clips) and even voice based notes. So let's get to work. Evernote lets you create Notebooks that can store your notes together. The notebooks can further be grouped together in something they call ' Stack'. For the purpose of the blog, I am going