The many layers of stupidity

In general, the human race is entirely stupid, that much is clear since the beginning. Obviously, we believed in the fact that God has Human traits and we are given a clean chit to drill holes in the land we live in to burn the dark liquid that comes out for a fruitless efforts in going places in less time. For some reason, covering distance is important for us. Anyways, the point being, Human race is stupid, as a offspring of this race I do not pride myself of the stupidity of my ancestors but scientifically document the layers of stupidity of the human race in hope that someday there will be an alien invasion to remove us all of misery or worst, finally God will decide to step down to talk to those idiots who believed it was ok to steal a bike and confession for forgiveness. During that time, my catalogue of Human stupidity also refereed to as blog can be a book of judgement on which we kill people. Anyways, that's just a dream. Coming back to human stupid...