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Vicky Leaks

"Hey what is this Wikileaks," asked Vicky wiping his leaking nose with a hankerchief.
 "I am sure it is not a overgrown baby who still needs diapers," I replied, super busy pounding some terrorist in Dust II (those who are mere mortals, I am talking about Dust II Map in Counter Strike, oh and fyi 78-79 is the score), "Or in this case a handkerchief," I spoke softly, lest he blows his nose on me.
"What!" he exclaimed.
"What?" I asked.
"Is it something related to Wikipedia?" he asked, "I saw the founder of Wikipedia asking for donation..."
"I am pretty sure Jimmy Wales has nothing to do with Julian Assange, in-fact I am pretty sure, no one in the whole world would want to do anything with Julian Assange," I quipped pounded a well-place grenade in front of the escaping terrorist.
"Infact, Wikipedia has posted a disclaimer on Wikileaks page that they have nothing to do with Wikileaks,'' I replied, displaying my sheer knowledge of spending endless hours reading the only site that is not blocked by the zealots IT team.
"I did not get time to check the wikileaks, did you see," he asked.
"Are you suggesting, I have a lot of free time?" I asked, looking for a way to tackle, four terrorist with a smoke bomb.
"Considering the fact that its 9 o'Clock in the morning and instead of rushing to office, you are busy playing Counter strike for last two days..." he summarized, "You do have a lot of free time."
"Its 9 o'Clock," I exclaimed and was killed brutally killed by four terrorist. As the background music played to computers victory, I ran outside to turn on television.

Wikileaks has leaked so much into our daily lives. Any person in pajama comes up and judges if Julian Assange should be hanged,
"You know," the first wise man spoke proudly as if he was the president of united states, "That Julian guy, he is very bad man."
"Who?" the second wise man questioned.
"The founder of Wikileaks na?" the third wise man blurted, "I heard he is a computer hacker."
"Oh, it is?" first wise man replied, "Obviously he is, how could he get so much documents?"
"Arey but I hear he was hacker a long time back, isn't he?" the second wise man defended, "Its all in the past."
"Hacker or no," the first wise man spoke, "He should be hanged."
"Yes," the third wise men supported, "It is not good to leak the story to the world. What if there is world war III? How will we protect ourself?"
"Yes yes," the second wise man switched tracks, "You know sometimes its good to be Chinese, you can ban any site you want..."
Now the three wise man never knew how it will be to live in a country that will ban google, but I could not stay there long to find out.

The worst hit me at the best moment, just as I was about to destroy pigs with Angry Birds on my android, he announced.
"See this wiki leaks is going to spread like virus," he came behind me, "What if tomorrow someone leaks my 2nd standard mark-sheet? I have told my son, I came first in school. I don't want him to know I flunked in 2nd standard."

Oh well... I was tempted on texting this to Julian, but then I knew Asange would be in some other trouble at the moment to worry about mine. It is not that you take panga with the largest and strongest country in the world and get away with it, do you? I just hope, when the chip falls, the Wikileaks team gets a cable from the state government, else how would we know?

P.s. My view on Wikileaks, is that it should be there. I hate society from the bottom of my heart, but then its just narcissist in me.


  1. You echoed my thoughts over the existence of this non-profit organization. I also like this cheeky conversation between two Gyanis. :P

  2. "See this wiki leaks is going to spread like virus," he came behind me, "What if tomorrow someone leaks my 2nd standard mark-sheet? I have told my son, I came first in school. I don't want him to know I flunked in 2nd standard."

    ROFLing away

  3. So much has been said on this one...Yet this is refreshing..
    Can you increase your font size..oldies like me cant read.
    If u hv time do check out this post on Wiki Leaks

  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....

    Nice take on Wikileaks. This is yet another of your vintage posts. Keep them coming...

  5. @Prateek
    Well you liked the conversation between two gyaanis... i happen to work with them...:P

  6. @Ritu
    Heh he heheh... don't we all? :P

  7. @Alkha
    See the font has increased... have added font increase script!!!

  8. @Roshmi
    Thank you...and welcome back!!!


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I don't need weapon, I have a sharp tongue.

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