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[Fantasy Story] The Victory that was Lost


‘I give up,’ he said silently, methodologically and calmly, ‘I give you this round, the fact that you have managed to penetrate my chakravyuva defense on this island, proves you are an intellectual capabilities are no less than mine, Agatya,’

Agatya breathed heavily as he looked at his arch enemy, the terror of the west, the criminal mastermind, Professor Omnivore, this was over? So easily?

‘You win Agatya,’ the professor leaned near him tapping on his shoulder, ‘But you have to ask yourself… did you really win? By defeating me have you acheived something great or have you lost something precious? There will be panic and chaos in the society soon and you know it very well, the end of the world will be evident, but knowing that you caused all this will be the last thought in your head until you decide to kill yourself…’ the professor smiled widely.

Five Days ago 

Mandwa port was five minutes away from where they all sat, the Mumbai Commissnor had named it the WAR ROOM, it was war declared by a terrorist organization who called themself ‘Ergheretug’ or the ‘Sons of the planet.’ Initially it was an non profit harmless NGO who was working for the betterment of planet earth and spread awareness about go green mission. Few days ago, Professor Omnivore took charge of the organization and turned it into a radical environmentalist group, who would stop at nothing to see the end of capitalism and consumerism.

Indeed, their first mission succeded, 27 oil barens suspiciously sold their oil wells to a mysterious buyer and went into hiding. 17 more were reported missing and police was doing all it could to track them with no avails. Finally, a clue was found which pointed to the deserted island which fell under no country's jurisdiction, it was owned by the same suspicious buyer who now possed the oil wells.

‘People,’ general Konkord, Cheif officer for mission, RAW, specilized in radical and terrorist organization was briefing the unit. Police from 7 different states had joined the search as the oil barrens held considerable share in the state lobbying, ‘Let us discuss the structure of the organization we are dealing with. Any radical or terrorist group is controlled, as the terror is focused on a specific target, and we always have a ring leader. Usually ring leaders are intellectuals, brilliant orators and motivators. They twist facts and empathaize on sensitive cruelity of enemy isolating the minions from the reality.

The ring leader here is Professor Omnivore, a brilliant swordman and a naturalist who has corrupted the organization into a radical group. In any radical group, we have three sets of people, first are the henchmen, they are close to the ring leader and because ringleaders like control, they are always few in number. Be careful around the henchmen, they should be as feared as their boss. They won’t intervene when we take down the boss. Usually, they also are looking for the higher position and hence they are not that loyal but intellectually similar to the ring leader.

The next in line are the true believers, they are the ones who believe in ideology of the organization and are ready to fight for it. Once groomed they are self motivated and will attack with all they have got. If cornered they will attempt to go down with as many as they can. These people usually are trained to be suicide bombers. So these people will resist us with whatever they can.

The third type of people are pawns, those who are trapped in the organization. They are not self motivated and will run away at first sight of trouble. They are more likely to surrender and we should grab one of them to build a case against the professor. If planned carefully, we will find ourself a witness for the court with the pawn.

We need to eliminate the true believers first. I do not want any of the cops to die today, we smoke them out but we do it as a one big team. No one fight alone, we all fight back to back.
If we manage to penetrate the true believers, our wild card will enter the den to eliminate Professor himself.’

‘Wild Card?’ asked a constable.

‘Me…’ replied Agatya, coming out of shadows.

Seven Minutes Ago

The Professor, as he was called watched as his pawns fell one by one. In a very complex grid of CCTV cameras, he saw his men getting shot down. Just when the door to his secure cabin broke down and in walked, ‘Welcome Agatya,’ smiled the professor, the Bishop had entered the den. This was the game of Chess he liked.

‘Kidnapping and threating all the oil barrens in the world,’ Agatya asked, ‘That looks so bad for your reputation, Professor. I thought you were a naturalist, did not need money.’

‘I don’t need money,’ the professor smiled, ‘I have enough for my needs. I have a good pension plan.’

‘Then why? Why did you get the controlling interest in so many oil wells? What are you going to do with so much oil? Burn it…’ Agatya asked.

‘Aah,’ the professor smiled, ‘You see, I am a man with simple taste. I do not need oil to burn, I am happy with my solar energy cells. This entire island is eco friendly and saves the environment.’

Agatya looked at him, the professor was right, the island was powere by Solar Cells and hydroelectric power. Then what was he going to do with oil well?

‘Simple,’ the professor smiled, ‘Stop drilling for it. I am going to shut down those oil wells which I purchased. I am the rightful owner of the companies. People are getting laid off everywhere, ill be laying them off for the right cause. Ill be saving the environment by letting few people go.

You cannot do anything about it, as I have obtained the companies legally. I don’t think any business man will testify against me. So, the real question is, on what charges are you barging into my private property?’

Agatya paused to consider, there was no proof about the takeover. There would be no case, the professor would be let go with a warning only. Only if we managed to get a pawn, then the cops could file charges otherwise the professor walks free.

‘Who is the villian here? Agatya, on whose side are you actually? Are you the insurance of the God for nature or for the humans? Did you really win here Agatya? Or did you loose?’

Three Minutes ago

The professor was right, there was nothing to implicate him. There was no evidence of any crime, there were hostile takeover on companies all the time. Agatya knew that from the begining, obviously, Agatya was not the law. He would do whatever it takes to contain the evil, but he would not go against the law of the land, for that was the difference between him and the evil he was fighting against. The nature of evil itself was lawless and hence fragile, he knew that. Standing in front of his biggest nemisis, Agatya realised, this was not how he would win the battle.

‘Fine,’ he said, ‘I let you go…’

‘Just like that?’ the Professor asked, ‘Oh c’mon, you know you want to hit me.’

‘No, I don’t…’ Agatya said, ‘I cannot prosecute in the courtroom of the land but I will stop you. Just like this island wherever you go I will follow you, destroy you but then let you go. You will be running away rest of your life from me. You won't be able to focus, you won't be able to go anywhere. Your minions will start showing distrust in you, stop believing you. Soon there will be a mutiny, just like you took over, one of your henchmen will decide he had enough. He will take you down and throw you to the sharks. If you manage to reach the shore you will find me waiting for you for my final punch. We both have same level of intellect, you know I am right. If I arrest you today, you will become their hero, the rebel hero.’

‘I hate you Agatya,’ the professor barked, ‘I hate you. Fine then, there see, inside the chamber lies a dead body of a billionaire oil barren. I told you, you will have to arrest me.’

‘Who said I was going to arrest you?’ Agatya turned around and punched him hard, ‘But this evidence is enough for the government to disembark your corporation and take over all the oil wells you purchased. Extortion, murder and kidnapping…’


‘I give up,’ he said silently, methodologically and calmly, ‘I give you this round, the fact that you have managed to penetrate my chakravyuva defense on this island, proves you are an intellectual capabilities are no less than mine, Agatya.’

‘You win Agatya,’ the professor leaned near him tapping on his shoulder, ‘But you have to ask yourself… did you really win? By defeating me have you acheived something great or have you lost something precious? There will be panic and chaos in the society soon and you know it very well, the end of the world will be evident, but knowing that you caused all this will be the last thought in your head until you decide to kill yourself…’ the professor smiled widely.

‘The world will go back to its normal insane self again. Human greed will start drilling deeper and deeper into the earths core. They will pull the oil just as they mow down the trees. Your victory is also the victory of evil.’

‘No…’ Agatya said, ‘Even if your cause was for good, your means were bad. They say be very careful who you make enemy with, you might turn into one. You have joined their league, those who do not respect others. They destroy the nature, you destroyed the families of people. You were not greedy, but you lacked apathy, which they also do not have. YOU HAVE TURNED INTO THE PERSON YOU HATE. And hence, I am still going to let you go. If you can live up with yourself for what you did, you end up turning into them. Greedy, selfish and inconsiderate, but if you think you are different and saving the world…’

The Professor looked at the walking hero from his den. The game was won, Check mate.

‘I hate you Agatya…’ he screamed.

There was no one to hear him.

P.s. Liked this story? There is more, read the other stories on Agatya

The beginning :Hidden
The End: Final Citadel


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