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Chapter 16th: Capital Crime

This is the 16th part of a story written by Team Supernova. I hate people who walk into a movie hall during climax, this is not where this story begins. Go read the previous chapter here. If you have missed a lot, go back all the way to starting following the links on the blog.

Chapter 16th: Capital Crime

Tara had acted swiftly after she had subdued the guards. Both of them were tied safely with the curtain ropes in their bathroom. She had secured Roohi room and dismantles the guards gun. Why was Sarkar in Lonavala? She wondered, this safe house was her and her alone, but now Sarkar knew this place. It would not be very safe to stay here for a long time. She decided to pack and make a run for it. But if Shekhar escapes them he will make way to this safe house and walk into the trap as she did.

Time was of essense and she decided to leave Shekhar a coded message about her whereabouts and a little surprise for her captives when they return.

And indeed in few minutes she say Sarkar tracer had moved towards the guest house. He was returning, not this time, this time she was prepared. Wasn't she? This time she had a plan. But it was not Sarkar who walked in the house and the security system did not even beep once as Aryan Ahuja entered her house.

"Hello old neighbour," Aryan Ahuja spoke, "We need to talk. Funny thing about safe houses really, they give you a sense of security that you are safe. You are not. Do you have some more tea?"

"Do you know how much time does it take to kidnap someone in this country?" Aryan Ahuja asked Tara as her offered her tea, "Don't worry, I won't spill it on you like you did to those guards and this," he pulled out the tracker that she had placed on Sarkar from his pocket and placed next to the tea cup.

"Have some tea," Aryan Ahuja spoke, "This is one of the most rarest blend formed from a unique mixture of herbs made only in one farm near Darjeeling. I own that farm."
"As I was saying by the last known record it took seven minutes for few teenagers to kidnap a dozen of girls," Aryan Ahuja said, "But my record is much less than that."
"For dinner last night your husband ate at Karim's, splendid cook and amazing food, he then went on to get a box of sweets from Gupta sweet mart for you, very nice sweets, make sure you try their Kaju Katli. Today morning your husband was eating dosa at the local eatery near the Nizamuddin station," Aryan Ahuja said, "I own that restaurant.," he leaned over the table, "Point being, I could have kidnapped your husband from anywhere but I choose to set this up during his train journey. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Tara asked.
"To make a point," Aryan Ahuja said, "If I can hijack a Rajdhani train of this country just to scare one passenger, you can run anywhere or anyplace in the world, i'll always find you. Now to business."

He turned on the television, "The quality of news programming has dropped hasn't it nowadays?"
Tara nervously glanced at the television, the news reporter were going live from Kota station and different theories were floating around about train being hijacked or brakes being failed. There was another news story about a terror plot suspicion.

"Let me give you a lesson in journalism," he picked up his phone and dialed a number, "See journalism is hard working journalist collect stories to show them to the world, hand them over to an editor who corrects for political, diplomatic and for stupid mistakes," he spoke on the phone, "Run the story."

"And then there is me," he said calmly, "The news maker, I make news for them to air."

The news anchor on television suddenly paused and spoke, "We are going live with a breaking news. The rumors are true, Rajdhani express running from Delhi to Mumbai has been hijacked. Police have just released picture of the suspect from CCTV footage at the Delhi railway station."

Aryan simply flipped another channel and all the news channels were showing same picture over and over again.

"Like a bird trapped in a cage," Aryan said, "Beautiful. There are more than 2000 passengers on that train fearing their fate, fear in the biggest motivator, fear of unknown is greater than that. They all know your husbands name and are looking for him. In about ten minutes, there will be a high level meeting of National Security Advisor with the army generals and the president. They will decide on ways to capture or kill your husband. In the next fifteen minutes, your husband will be labeled enemy of the state," Aryan smiled, "I hijacked a train to make a point, you really think a wooden door is going to save your daughter from me?"

"From the bottom of my heart ill tell you Tara," Aryan said, "It really pains me to do this but you have something I need and only I can save your husband and daughter."

Tara entire world came crashing down as she saw Shekhar picture flash as the hijacker of Rajdhani express on national television.

To be continued head on to Chapter 17 Curiosity killed the cat
“Me and my team are participating in ‘Game Of Blogs’ at #CelebrateBlogging with us.”


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