[Short Film] The Appointment

Some stories have no moral- this one has no heart. On the crossroads of destiny, two titans meet, Trisha has an Appointment to keep.

Starring: Shreya Rasam and Chaitanya Kabe
Cast: Madhuri Jadhav and Kunal Patil
Director, Editing, and Music: Chaitanya Kabe
Screenplay: Siddhesh Kabe and Chaitanya Kabe
Makeup: Supriya
Cinematographer: Kiran Aparadh
Associate and Production Controller: Subin Jacob

This film is loosely based on the Short Story titled, 'Add a little drama to your death'. And again featured a manifestation of death. Dharma or Death appears in multiple times in my multiverse and you can read more stories about Dharma here.


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