Millions thoughts raced in his head as he stared at the red light. Each thought more dangerous than the next. In two continuous seconds he considered committing suicide and then contemplated murdering his boss in next instant. As the light stared at him, he thought back on his life.
Just like the red it was not moving. Stagnant. Obviously he was promoted twice in the last two years but it only meant more bosses to report to and more responsibility.
He thought about how lucky the people walking were, they don't have to take this shit day in and out, do they? His thoughts were cut back with the sudden surge in traffic as the signal turned green. He drive off in his Mercedes not remembering anything from before.
Just another day at the traffic signal.
Just like the red it was not moving. Stagnant. Obviously he was promoted twice in the last two years but it only meant more bosses to report to and more responsibility.
He thought about how lucky the people walking were, they don't have to take this shit day in and out, do they? His thoughts were cut back with the sudden surge in traffic as the signal turned green. He drive off in his Mercedes not remembering anything from before.
Just another day at the traffic signal.
'It took me 8 years to help him escape, give him his well deserved freedom. You should have seen the look on his face, when he realized he was finally free. Free from the system, free from trouble. Free from that shitty food. And when finally he was enjoying his new life...'
'Go on...please.'
'I killed him with a nail cutter.'
'Nail cutter? You gotta be kidding me...'
'Every tool is a weapon if you use it right, madam.' he said calmly.
'So, how did you kill him?'
'I was waiting for this day for 8 years, as if Ill spend two bullets and get over with it?'
'Go on...please.'
'I killed him with a nail cutter.'
'Nail cutter? You gotta be kidding me...'
'Every tool is a weapon if you use it right, madam.' he said calmly.
'So, how did you kill him?'
'I was waiting for this day for 8 years, as if Ill spend two bullets and get over with it?'

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I don't need weapon, I have a sharp tongue.