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Top Reasons Why PK Should be Banned

- It is pathetic of a story
- Over acting but we can ignore that considering the last alien was zoozoo no wait... Jadoo
- An alien astronaut walks over a unknown planet stark naked? What their civilization is so immature that they can build massive spaceship but can't give astronauts spacesuits? That's protest.
- So the alien planet nobody lies because they don't talk to each other. It must be one hell of a touchy feely planet. Wondering how they do group chats?
- A reporter walks out of her own wedding by reading a letter. Where is attention to detail? You are a journalist!!!!
- There is a spaceship standing next to her... a big large spaceship... and yet the 'reporter' becomes senti of the alien leaving her. And claims she has to make news for living. Worst news reporter ever. Or maybe working for Times of India
- Over hype (probably because it was Amir Khan and then because of this hulla bullah) of a film that shouldn't do enough business. I thought KRK had better acting overacting skills- Bhojpuri? Really? What were they trying to do? Beat box office success of 'Chapra Express' (No not kidding, I saw this movie)?
- Overzealous story twist, not focusing on one topic this movie swayed just like Satyameva Jayate. One topic to another, as if they want to solve a problem of 4000 years in 3 hours.
- The entry and exit of Sanjay Dutt- the most stupid sub plot ever. It seems as if Pune Police send them a return notice and they had to hastily pull him out.
- Aliens from different planet do not talk right? How the hell did the alien expedition in the end start talking to each other?
- Btw Found no instances of the makers mocking religion in anyway

The science behind PK

As a future science fiction writer, I am appalled by what goes on in name of Science and humor in Bollywood. Here we see an Alien explorer who walks on the surface of an unknown planet. He carries no scientific instruments to measure temperature, chemical composition or any deadly things. He walks on the planet stark naked to 'check' if its suitable for him. Astronomy is not a suicide mission, an astronomer should be a scientist too.

Touching hands as a means of communication. Biologically speaking, that is the worst form of communication. Telepathy is not unheard of in nature. They are species with Hive minds (connected minds) but touching each other to telepathically communicate makes very awkward dinner conversations. Not to mention this 'alien' life form eats on streets of India without any consequence. Even Americans take a week to adjust to Indian food and more than that to adjust to Indian Street food.

The Religion behind PK
Someone on twitter told me that 'Bholenath (Shiva) is innocent, just like Hindu and needs protection'. Methodologically speaking only Vishnu in Narayan form calls Shiva as Bholenath and later the words are uttered by Parvati. Does not mean Shiva is any 'innocent'. The title refers to his ability to not differentiate between people. He gives out boon to his bhakts even if they are demons. No wonder, some of the biggest followers of Shiva are Asuras (demon clan e.g., Ravan).

Other Religions, while the primary battle between Pk is between a photographic Baba who preaches a lot of wrong things. There are many instances where Pk makes hilarious mockery of traditions of all religions including catholic Mortification of Flesh (which in my personal opinion is dangerous rituals out there).

We all know that Dhongi Babas are rampant in India. I have voiced my opinion against them before. But the onus of this Babas does not lie on them but to the countless followers they gather. People are afraid, afraid of the unknown, afraid of many things. Nowadays afraid of terrorist, accidents etc. and this fear creates a void, a void that can be filled only with hope. Hope translates to belief and we see many people misusing this belief by turning into business. The business of belief does not have recession, infact it flourishes during recession.

A man applies red Tilak to a stone, it does not instantly turn into a temple. The first person who joins hands makes it a temple. The first one to donate money makes it a business.

So Pk sends this message in a complete wrong way. I like Paresh Rawal's OMG treatment over the issue.

Why so deep analysis? 

Mostly because I was bored. But also because, I have given up on Bollywood, yes I have. Pk is the first Bollywood movie in last eight months. But when Bollywood uses terms like 'aliens' and misuses them, I find it important to write. Indians demand good science fiction stories.


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